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Maternal intrapartum temperature elevation as a risk factor for cesarean delivery and assisted vaginal delivery.




OBJECTIVES: This study investigated the association of intrapartum temperature elevation with cesarean delivery and assisted vaginal delivery. METHODS: Participants were 1233 nulliparous women with singleton, term pregnancies in vertex presentations who had spontaneous labors and were afebrile (temperature: 99.5 degrees F [37.5 degrees C]) at admission for delivery. Rates of cesarean and assisted vaginal deliveries according to highest intrapartum temperature were examined by epidural status. RESULTS: Women with maximum intrapartum temperatures higher than 99.5 degrees F were 3 times as likely to experience cesarean (25.2% vs 7.2%) or assisted vaginal delivery (25.2% vs 8.5%). The association was present in epidural users and nonusers and persisted after birthweight, epidural use, and labor length had been controlled. In adjusted analyses, temperature elevation was associated with a doubling in the risk of cesarean delivery (odds ratio [OR] = 2.3, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.5, 3.4) and assisted vaginal delivery (OR = 2.1, 95% CI = 1.4, 3.1). CONCLUSIONS: Modest temperature elevation developing during labor was associated with higher rates of cesarean and assisted vaginal deliveries. More frequent temperature elevation among women with epidural analgesia may explain in part the higher rates of cesarean and assisted vaginal deliveries observed with epidural use.
机译:目的:本研究调查了分娩时体温升高与剖宫产和辅助阴道分娩的关系。方法:参加者为1233名未生育妇女,单胎,足月妊娠,在分娩时自发分娩,并在入院时发热(温度:99.5华氏度[37.5摄氏度])。通过硬膜外状态检查剖宫产率和根据最高分娩温度进行的辅助阴道分娩。结果:最高分娩温度高于99.5华氏度的女性经历剖宫产(25.2%vs 7.2%)或辅助阴道分娩(25.2%vs 8.5%)的可能性是女性的3倍。这种关系存在于硬膜外使用者和非硬膜外使用者,并且在控制出生体重,硬膜外使用和分娩时长后一直存在。在调整后的分析中,体温升高与剖宫产风险加倍相关(奇数比[OR] = 2.3、95%置信区间[CI] = 1.5、3.4)和辅助阴道分娩(OR = 2.1、95%CI) = 1.4,3.1)。结论:分娩过程中温度适度升高与剖腹产和辅助阴道分娩率较高有关。硬膜外镇痛妇女中温度升高更为频繁,这可能部分解释了硬膜外使用剖宫产和辅助阴道分娩的发生率较高。



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